
I had to go back to the hospital a couple of times:

March 2nd

Hi everyone,

There was me thinking that things were going so well! Enjoying being home although been in a lot of pain since I got back. This afternoon I called the hospital as I was concerned. I was asked to come into Pinehill again (was seen within a few minutes of arriving – woo!) The consultant had a look and prescribed antibiotics as I have an infection! That’s why I’ve been in more pain that I thought! Grrr….

My Nan is here now for a few days, so I’m in very good hands.

Djerk’s employers are also being very supportive and he’s allowed quite a bit of time off without any financial implications!

God bless,

And again…

March 3rd

Hello again,

Well, things aren’t improving. I went into hospital this morning as an outpatient to check everything but the infection is getting worse. They are now suggesting that I go back into hospital to stay for a couple of days so that they can IV an antibiotic, which will nip it in the bud quicker than oral antibiotics would.

So, I’m off at 1pm to Pinehill again!

Please continue with prayers and happy thoughts!

God bless,

In true Hayley style I was on Facebook the WHOLE time! Haha!

Hayley Geurts is really annoyed. Went back to the hospital in lots of pain today and now on antibiotics! Grrrr…
02 March at 15:18

Hayley Geurts has to go back into hospital for IV antibiotics. Please continue to pray that this will be over soon! :o)
03 March at 12:21

Hayley Geurts has nothing better to do for the next hour than lie on a hospital bed with a drip attached. For those who know me you will understand how jolly frustrating that is…
03 March at 15:17

Hayley Geurts With every breath, with every thought
 From what is seen, to the deepest part 
I offer all that I’ve come to be
 To know Your love fathering me

 Father, You’re all I need 
My soul’s sufficiency
 My Strength when I am weak 
The love that carries me
 Your arms enfold me
 Till I am only, a child of God

 With every step on this journey’s walk
 And wisdom’s songs that the soul has sought 
I give myself unreservedly
 To know Your love fathering me
03 March at 16:08

Hayley Geurts is leaving hospital, praising God along the way!! The doc came to check on me before he left and the infection had calmed right down, enough so that my stay in hospital has come down from 2 days to 6 hours!! Haha! I’ve been sent home. Thank you for all your prayers!
03 March at 18:49

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