Chemo Number 1

To tell this story I will leave it to the Facebook updates and emails:

Hayley Geurts is nervous about her first chemo session but is glad her mum is coming along. God will be with too…
12 March at 00:47

Hayley Geurts slept for only 5 hours last night. Blah! Nervousness and pain, not a good mix.
12 March at 08:49

Hayley Geurts is still waiting to start the chemo! Silly nurses forgot to let the right people know that I was here and they weren’t ready!! Arrrrgggg!
12 March at 13:57

Hayley Geurts is now wearing a silly freezing cap to try and preserve her hair. It’s giving me a jolly headache! Everything is ready and about to start the chemo, as long as my blood test results come back ok. Sigh…
12 March at 15:00

Hayley Geurts is through the first treatment. Just relaxing in front of hospital telly to make sure I’m ok then time to go home. Couple of side effects showing but nothing major yet.
12 March at 18:30

Hayley Geurts is finally on her way home after a tiring day. Please pray for good sleep tonight.
12 March at 20:10

Hayley Geurts had a horrible night. Woke up at 1am with a scary cold sweat, feeling like her body was in toxic shock or something. Nauseous, dizzy and disorientated. Chemo SUCKS!!
13 March at 07:49

Hayley Geurts feels slightly better but still nauseous. Energy please?
13 March at 13:15

Email to all:

Short update. Chemo number 1 – done and dusted. Now at home feeling very dizzy and nauseous. This is likely also fueled by lack of sleep last night. Going to bed now. Please pray for sleep and minimal side effects.

Lots of love.

Email to all a couple of days later:

Hi everyone,

Well, I am finally feeling a little more like Hayley again rather than a toxic-filled shell of a person. I came back from chemo on Friday night (thanks for sticking with me through a looooong day mummy!) and went straight to bed at 10-ish. I was then awake quite suddenly at about 1am with a cold sweat and what I can only describe as toxic shock! It was horrid. I slept bits and pieces that night but not very soundly at all.

Saturday was a bit of a strange day as I was feeling sick to my stomach and couldn’t really eat very much at all. (all good for losing those extra pounds put on by my Nan’s amazing cakes the week before!!) I had a myriad of drugs to take for sickness and later in the day I had an immunity booster injection at hospital, to help my white blood cells continue throughout this cycle of chemo. I think that may have been the culprit for another sleepless night last night.

This morning I was still feeling rather weak but I still can’t seem to get sleep, even napping! I think it must be the steroids for anti-sickness. The nausea has mostly gone now but still feeling very weak and wibbly.

Things to pray for:

That I get up on my feet and feeling a little more normal soon!
For my arm – the hypersensitivity is still making it sore and achy, it is getting better, so praise to God for that!
For Djerk, he’s so tired, poor thing (we’ve had to resort to sleeping in separate beds so he can actually get some sleep!)
The kids – they are both being very good with me (showered me with Mother’s Day gifts this morning) but they are both very sensitive and are feeling the pressure.

I still thank and praise God for the blessings in my life, although times are hard right now. He’s given me the most incredible husband, Djerk. (I couldn’t do this without you my love.) I have 2 beautiful boys who are taking this whole process very well so far! I have a wonderful family who have been supportive the whole way through. And friends, old and new, who without your prayers and support I don’t know where we’d be! Thank you just doesn’t cut it!

I want to share a Youtube vid with you. Some may have heard it. It’s simply fab!
Even more encouragement!

Love you all very much.
Speak soon.

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