Surgery date revealed

Update email:

Hi everyone,

Ok, so now I have a date to work towards. I’ll be going to Pinehill Hospital at 12pm on Thursday 25th February and surgery will be at around 2pm for around an hour and a half. He will be taking a 3cm margin, so it will only be a lumpectomy. He will also take 10+ lymph glands from under my arm too, that way they will be able to test to see if there has been any spread of the cancer cells. I will then find out 2 weeks after the 25th as to the next step for treatment. I will likely be in hospital for 3-4 nights but it will be a private room so lots of rest and sleep possible. The last time I had surgery I was in a room with 6 other people who either snored or made other random noises through the night! Madness!

I will be having pre op checks tomorrow at 1pm, but nothing to worry about there, just chest xrays, blood tests and a mammogram.

I feel much more at peace knowing that surgery won’t be until next week. It means that I can get stuff done for school (work), church and most importantly family-wise. Please pray for peace for us all. Sam stayed over at a friend’s house last night and wet the bed, something he hasn’t done in a long long time. I think that he’s feeling the tension, which is natural. We are trying to talk to him as much as possible about what’s going on, but not using the cancer word. Josh has been acting as cute as always, but I think he’s also feeling it. Poor things. I’m trying to keep as much as normal as possible, but it’s so hard with all the emotions running so high!

I have been overwhelmed by the response to my FB messages and emails. You lot are amazing, you know that right? 🙂

If other things come up I will let you know, but otherwise I’ll be sending my next email after surgery next week. If you know of anyone that would like to be included in these email updates, please let send me their email address.

Love you all very much my friends.

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