
…breast cancer. I couldn’t quite believe it when I heard. I’m crying now whilst writing this. I remember it like it was yesterday. It’s one of those moments you will always keep with you, one of the not-so-good ones. I also remember the day I was diagnosed with a cancerous tumour in 2005. I hope that one day these kinds of memories will fade due to the amazing memories to come! 🙂

Whilst the consultant was talking me through the next steps I think I went onto autopilot. It’s a very strange feeling. I knew what was happening, I knew I was crying but couldn’t really say anything useful. I just nodded through most of it. That day I met Gill Hutson, the MacMillan nurse at Lister Hospital, Stevenage. The fact that her name was Gill (same as my Aussie Auntie!) was a God-moment for me. Coincidence? Nah!! God-breathed? Oh yes! She was amazing, truly amazing. Respect to the nurses who have to go through many “diagnoses” in a day.

Djerk and I had a good cry. It’s ok to cry. 🙂

We then had to share the news with our nearest and dearest. That for me was the hardest. To tell my Mum, who had been with me at the biopsy, who’d held my hand through so many other things during my lifetime, ouch. I thank God that a majority of my family members from both sides are Christians and know God in their lives. This is one thing that has featured greatly in my story. Hope! Hope for the future!

Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength, soar on wings like eagles; run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40

I made a decision that day: to publish my diagnosis on Facebook and to let everyone know. I have never been much of a private person so I wasn’t about to begin to be!

Hayley Geurts is very sorry to report that the results came back with a diagnosis of breast cancer. I will go for surgery on the 24th February and then only after that will find out what treatment will follow. I’m staying positive though! I still firmly believe that God is with me through this and we will continue to pray for healing. Please continue to pray for me, Djerk, my kids and my family. Thanks. :o)
11 February at 12:58

I then had the most amazing response from so many of my Facebook friends. Some people I hadn’t chatted to or seen in months were writing beautiful messages to me. I replied:

Hayley Geurts

Friends, this is simply overwhelming! Thank you all so much for your responses and love and prayers! I am truly blessed by friendships from all of you over the many years or only the few short months I have know you…

On an encouraging not…e to you all, God is really confirming his prescence in all of this. Graham, your message about Job was discussed by our church group just the other day! What a blessing to be reminded of it!

My wonderful mother-in-law wrote an email to me earlier with the lyrics to Hosanna which I was singing at the top of my voice in home group last night.

Carole, your note from Isaiah was spoken over me last night as they prayed about the appointment and need for sleep just last night!

I just want to share this with all of you! God is simply AMAZING!

11 February at 15:23

Emotional day or what!?!?

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